
So happy to see you here. Any help is appreciated and so is yours!

So let us get you started!


Before reading about the technical stuff, it's important to know to which guidelines the project sticks.

The workflow

We advise you to follow the following steps, if you plan to contribute:

  1. Choose the right project you want to contribute to, either a driver or db-migrate itself.

  2. For the repo.

  3. Create a new branch to work with out of the master branch.

  4. Setup your environment and let the current tests run, they should pass if not there is something wrong with your setup.

  5. Be awesome!

  6. Add a test for your change. Refactoring and documentation changes require no new tests. If you are adding functionality or fixing a bug, please include a test.

  7. Make the test pass.

  8. Pull the remote master into your master branch and rebase your current working branch against this master.

  9. Push your rebased branch and submit your pull request.

  10. Make sure the travis tests in your pull request are all passing, if they fail check why.


  • You should never work in your master branch of your fork, you're going to pull the changes from the master project into this branch and use your branch to rebase against it.

  • You should pull changes from the master project regularly and rebase against them to make your own life easier!

The Developer getting started

Just as the user, we want you to find an easy start into the code. If you follow the following guide, most of your question should be resolved before they arise.

Splitted Projects

To enable the best possible flexibility, db-migrate is from v0.10.x designed to be extendable. This is the reason why the drivers aren't anymore in the db-migrate project. Instead you will find them in their own.

This also means everyone can create anytime a new driver, without directly contributing to the project. If you want that your driver is going to be maintained by us you have obviously to work with us and the repository to your driver have to enter the db-migrate organization.

Ok enough introduction now, let's get you started, click one of the following links if you want to:

Contributing to db-migrate

DB-Migrate consists out of a few parts. The migrator, seeder, drivers, usage API and programable API. If you plan to make changes to the programable or usage API, always keep in mind that backwards compatibility must be ensured.

This means, the behavior of functions may not be modified! It is possible to extend them to provide additional functionality, but not to change the behavior and thus destroying functionality. If you realize, you need this new behavior, create a new function and functions get deprecated if your new functionality is going to replace it in one of the next major releases.

Functionality description of db-migrate

DB-Migrate is a database toolset which provides the ability to alter the schema of any database system of which a db-migrate driver exists. This includes creating and deleting tables and databases as all standard operations, such as changing an existing column, deleting and them and so on.

While providing this abilities, DB-Migrate does strictly only provide the ability to represent a state of the database at a given time. It is not a full featured database management tool and wont provide the ability to execute operations which are not related to the concept of version controlling changes to the schema of a database. This excludes for example the ability to create a dump of the database or the schema. To note: If you want to archive the latter one you might take a look at umigrate which is the partner project of db-migrate which adds the ability to generate migrations out of a given schema and also provides the ability to generate migrations for just the differences between existing migrations and the current schema.

DB-Migrate is strictly requires to support standard data definition operations. This also applies to NoSQL Schemas, where for example in the case of mongodb a cóllection is treated as the equivalent to a table.

DB-Migrate differenciate between migrations and seeding operations and strictly provides only the interface which should be available to those. Therefore there may not added new functionality to those, that does not fit their description. An interface might only contain functionality does not fit this restriction, because of backward compatibility and must be deprecated and marked to be removed on the next major release.

The descriptions of those are defined as of the following.

Description of the migrator interface

The migrator interface provides the ability to handle all abilities which are needed to successfully modify the DD of your tables. This includes all DDL methods provided by SQL naturally.

Description of the seeder interface

The seeder interface provides the ability to handle all operations, that are not DDL specific and thus not a migration.

These operations are currently, but not limited to:

  • inserting data
  • removing data
  • searching data
  • truncating whole tables

This functionality is provided in two ways to the user. First there are traditional seeder. You can call them whenever you want, and how often you want. This results into a use case, that make seeders might only used for development and not to use them in a deployment process.

Here the second way of usage steps in, the version controlled seeders, in short VC Seeds. There is technically no big difference between them, except the following details:

A VC Seed can be called from a migration, via seed.execute and A normal seeder can not. Also A VC Seeder has a down and up function, like the way the migrations work, the static instead has a truncate function, which gets called before the seed function. As a seeder often wants to truncate tables or just delete data from a table. And last but not least, a VC Seed can not be executed if it was executed before, you need to roll back it first, it's in short handled like migrations are. A normal seed can be executed just as often as you want without rollback your data at any time.

To note: If you rollback a migration, linked to a seeder, db-migrate will also rollback the seed. This is also a reason why you can't rollback a specific migration, you would going to break that much, you probably loose a bunch of valueable time.

Start developing on db-migrate

At first take a look at the source, there should be an available documentation for the most of the functions. If not you can naturally ask in our chat how things work, this is also the way you ensure that this component gets documented afterwards. We currently do not create a separate documentation out of the code docs.

Promisify everything

The functionality description of db-migrate describes that every function of db-migrate which is async should be a promise, but if part of a driver, because of backwards compatibility, also should accept a callback function as last parameter.

The used promise library must be bluebird.

Creating your own driver

While you create your own driver, you've got the freedom to do it without binding to any existing codestyles and conventions. But keep in mind, you're responsible for your driver and if you want it to be officially supported by db-migrate, you still need to all conventions like you would do on a normal contribution.

Ok, so let's start with the actual details!

Before we start, make sure you have initialized a new node js project in your current folder. If not do this via:

$ npm init

The first thing we do, is to install the base for our driver. You do this simply by executing the following command:

$ npm install db-migrate-base --save

Ok, now two more dependency you should always install. Bluebird, for the promises. Without promises your driver probably doesn't find acceptance and would never be treated as official driver, by the db-migrate team. And also don't forget moment, you probably need it for our dates.

$ npm install bluebird --save 
$ npm install moment --save

Ctor and co.

Great! Now it's time to create our index.js. We extend the base we installed before and overwrite or use its functionality. Take a look at the base driver to get an overview, what is actually available from the beginning. So we have our extended Base class, next we need to export a connect method in which we initialize our driver and return an instance of it and also we get informations from db-migrate, such as version information and functionality we can use. We may also want to create constructor, this is done by defining a function in our extended base which is named init. To call the parent constructor, we need to call this._super(); afterwards.

So lets imagine we have the following example:

var util = require('util');
var moment = require('moment');
var mysql = require('mysql');
var Base = require('db-migrate-base');
var Promise = require('bluebird');
var log;
var type;

var internals = {};

var MysqlDriver = Base.extend({
  init: function(connection) {
    this.connection = connection;

  close: function(callback) {


exports.connect = function(config, intern, callback) {
  var db;

  internals = intern;
  log = internals.mod.log;
  type = internals.mod.type;

  if (typeof(mysql.createConnection) === 'undefined') {
    db = config.db || new mysql.createClient(config);
  } else {
    db = config.db || new mysql.createConnection(config);
  callback(null, new MysqlDriver(db));

Running sql

So you probably noticed I have defined a log and type var which are emtpy and set the value of them in the exported connect function. These are two functions/objects we get passed from db-migrate. type contains the standard datatypes of db-migrate and log can be used to log messages on the info, verbose, etc. channels. You may always prefer log over console.log as it takes also care about the current settings within db-migrate. We also store a reference of the internals in a local variable to access it later if needed.

In our constructor init we pass the internals to our parent base as the first parameter and store the connection we got passed from our connectfunction within the instance. The next step is to override the close function, which either returns a promise or calls the callback. We always provide both possibilities in db-migrate, you should do this in your driver, too.

The next things we need to do, to have the very basic functionality, is to give our driver the to actually control the migrations table, such as reading from, writing to, deleting from and creating the migrations table. So first of all, we need to override the all and runSql methods. all is similar to runSql, but runs always, even if dry-run is active!

  runSql: function() {

    var self = this;
    var args = this._makeParamArgs(arguments);
    var callback = args.pop();
    log.sql.apply(null, arguments);
    if(internals.dryRun) {
      return callback();

    return new Promise(function(resolve, reject) {
      args.push(function(err, data) {
        return (err ? reject(err) : resolve(data));

      self.connection.query.apply(self.connection, args);

  _makeParamArgs: function(args) {
    var params =;
    var sql = params.shift();
    var callback = params.pop();

    if (params.length > 0 && Array.isArray(params[0])) {
      params = params[0];
    return [sql, params, callback];

  all: function() {
    var args = this._makeParamArgs(arguments);
    return this.connection.query.apply(this.connection, args);

Provide migration capabilities

Now we have these, we need our migration methods. First of all, the one method which needs always to be executed, even while a dry-run is running. The method is called allLoadedMigrations and returns as the name says all already loaded migrations.

Attention! ALWAYS provide a proper quoting through your driver, the community and db-migrate relies on having an automatic quoting!

   * Queries the migrations table
   * @param callback
  allLoadedMigrations: function(callback) {
    var sql = 'SELECT * FROM `' + internals.migrationTable + '` ORDER BY run_on DESC, name DESC';
    this.all(sql, callback);

Ok, now we can differenciate between already loaded migrations and not executed ones. Great! Now we provide the ability to delete them deleteMigration and add them addMigrationRecord

  addMigrationRecord: function (name, callback) {
    var formattedDate = moment(new Date()).format('YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss');
    this.runSql('INSERT INTO `' + internals.migrationTable + '` (`name`, `run_on`) VALUES (?, ?)', [name, formattedDate], callback);

   * Deletes a migration
   * @param migrationName   - The name of the migration to be deleted
   * @param callback
  deleteMigration: function(migrationName, callback) {
    var sql = 'DELETE FROM `' + internals.migrationTable + '` WHERE name = ?';
    this.runSql(sql, [migrationName], callback);

  createTable: function(tableName, options, callback) {
    log.verbose('creating table:', tableName);
    var columnSpecs = options,
        tableOptions = {};

    if (options.columns !== undefined) {
      columnSpecs = options.columns;
      delete options.columns;
      tableOptions = options;

    var ifNotExistsSql = "";
    if(tableOptions.ifNotExists) {
      ifNotExistsSql = "IF NOT EXISTS";

    var primaryKeyColumns = [];
    var columnDefOptions = {
      emitPrimaryKey: false

    for (var columnName in columnSpecs) {
      var columnSpec = this.normalizeColumnSpec(columnSpecs[columnName]);
      columnSpecs[columnName] = columnSpec;
      if (columnSpec.primaryKey) {

    var pkSql = '';
    if (primaryKeyColumns.length > 1) {
      pkSql = util.format(', PRIMARY KEY (`%s`)', primaryKeyColumns.join('`, `'));
    } else {
      columnDefOptions.emitPrimaryKey = true;

    var columnDefs = [];
    var foreignKeys = [];

    for (var columnName in columnSpecs) {
      var columnSpec = columnSpecs[columnName];
      var constraint = this.createColumnDef(columnName, columnSpec, columnDefOptions, tableName);

      if (constraint.foreignKey)

    var sql = util.format('CREATE TABLE %s `%s` (%s%s)', ifNotExistsSql, tableName, columnDefs.join(', '), pkSql);

    return this.runSql(sql)

        return this.recurseCallbackArray(foreignKeys);

You might noticed we also added the createTable method already. This is because of the createMigrationsTable method, which utilize this method to create the migrations table. I will leave this aside for now, we will get here later again.

Example of basic driver

Ok, now we have a full functional driver. Currently we can only execute raw sql within our migrations, if using this driver, but db-migrate has now all functionality it needs to work properly. Our driver looks now like the following:

Note: This is not a complete version of a working driver. Please follow the tutorial until the end.

var util = require('util');
var moment = require('moment');
var mysql = require('mysql');
var Base = require('db-migrate-base');
var Promise = require('bluebird');
var log;
var type;

var internals = {};

var MysqlDriver = Base.extend({
  init: function(connection) {
    this.connection = connection;

  addMigrationRecord: function (name, callback) {
    var formattedDate = moment(new Date()).format('YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss');
    this.runSql('INSERT INTO `' + internals.migrationTable + '` (`name`, `run_on`) VALUES (?, ?)', [name, formattedDate], callback);

  runSql: function() {

    var self = this;
    var args = this._makeParamArgs(arguments);
    var callback = args.pop();
    log.sql.apply(null, arguments);
    if(internals.dryRun) {
      return callback();

    return new Promise(function(resolve, reject) {
      args.push(function(err, data) {
        return (err ? reject(err) : resolve(data));

      self.connection.query.apply(self.connection, args);

  _makeParamArgs: function(args) {
    var params =;
    var sql = params.shift();
    var callback = params.pop();

    if (params.length > 0 && Array.isArray(params[0])) {
      params = params[0];
    return [sql, params, callback];

  all: function() {
    var args = this._makeParamArgs(arguments);
    return this.connection.query.apply(this.connection, args);

   * Queries the migrations table
   * @param callback
  allLoadedMigrations: function(callback) {
    var sql = 'SELECT * FROM `' + internals.migrationTable + '` ORDER BY run_on DESC, name DESC';
    this.all(sql, callback);

   * Deletes a migration
   * @param migrationName   - The name of the migration to be deleted
   * @param callback
  deleteMigration: function(migrationName, callback) {
    var sql = 'DELETE FROM `' + internals.migrationTable + '` WHERE name = ?';
    this.runSql(sql, [migrationName], callback);

  createTable: function(tableName, options, callback) {
    log.verbose('creating table:', tableName);
    var columnSpecs = options,
        tableOptions = {};

    if (options.columns !== undefined) {
      columnSpecs = options.columns;
      delete options.columns;
      tableOptions = options;

    var ifNotExistsSql = "";
    if(tableOptions.ifNotExists) {
      ifNotExistsSql = "IF NOT EXISTS";

    var primaryKeyColumns = [];
    var columnDefOptions = {
      emitPrimaryKey: false

    for (var columnName in columnSpecs) {
      var columnSpec = this.normalizeColumnSpec(columnSpecs[columnName]);
      columnSpecs[columnName] = columnSpec;
      if (columnSpec.primaryKey) {

    var pkSql = '';
    if (primaryKeyColumns.length > 1) {
      pkSql = util.format(', PRIMARY KEY (`%s`)', primaryKeyColumns.join('`, `'));
    } else {
      columnDefOptions.emitPrimaryKey = true;

    var columnDefs = [];
    var foreignKeys = [];

    for (var columnName in columnSpecs) {
      var columnSpec = columnSpecs[columnName];
      var constraint = this.createColumnDef(columnName, columnSpec, columnDefOptions, tableName);

      if (constraint.foreignKey)

    var sql = util.format('CREATE TABLE %s `%s` (%s%s)', ifNotExistsSql, tableName, columnDefs.join(', '), pkSql);

    return this.runSql(sql)

        return this.recurseCallbackArray(foreignKeys);

  close: function(callback) {


exports.connect = function(config, intern, callback) {
  var db;

  internals = intern;
  log = internals.mod.log;
  type = internals.mod.type;

  if (typeof(mysql.createConnection) === 'undefined') {
    db = config.db || new mysql.createClient(config);
  } else {
    db = config.db || new mysql.createConnection(config);
  callback(null, new MysqlDriver(db));

Standard API

Now that we have a really basic driver, which is only capable of creating the migrations table and adding/deleting migration records.

Now let us add some functionality of the standard api. Let's start with a question.

Does our driver support transactions?


Ok, go ahead and skip to the next part. You don't need to do anything.


Fine, the next chapter is just for you!


To be able to start a transaction and commit it on the end of the migration, our driver needs obviously the possibility to support this.

This is as simple as adding this two methods:

  startMigration: function(cb){

    var self = this;

    if(!internals.notansactions) {

      return this.runSql('SET AUTOCOMMIT=0;')
             .then(function() {
                return self.runSql('START TRANSACTION;');
      return Promise.resolve().nodeify(cb);

  endMigration: function(cb){

    if(!internals.notransactions) {

      return this.runSql('COMMIT;').nodeify(cb);
      return Promise.resolve(null).nodeify(cb);

If you don't have transactions you can omit these methods, then the default no transaction methods are going to be used.


Ok lets continue with adding the drivers interpretation of our datatypes. We create a new method mapDataType and check wich value the spec.type value has got. After we're done we call the parent method of this, which applies additional default behavior. Take a look at the base driver if you want to know which exactly these are.

  mapDataType: function(spec) {
    var len;
    switch(spec.type) {
      case type.TEXT:
        len = parseInt(spec.length, 10) || 1000;
        if(len > 16777216) {
          return 'LONGTEXT';
        if(len > 65536) {
          return 'MEDIUMTEXT';
        if(len > 256) {
          return 'TEXT';
        return 'TINYTEXT';
      case type.DATE_TIME:
        return 'DATETIME';
      case type.BLOB:
        len = parseInt(spec.length, 10) || 1000;
        if(len > 16777216) {
          return 'LONGBLOB';
        if(len > 65536) {
          return 'MEDIUMBLOB';
        if(len > 256) {
          return 'BLOB';
        return 'TINYBLOB';
      case type.BOOLEAN:
        return 'TINYINT(1)';
    return this._super(spec.type);

The real driver

Now that we have the basic driver, it is time to create a concept for our new driver. First of all, what are we going to do? Are we creating a driver for a relational schema, or a NoSQL one? If we're go for the relational one we need capabilities like foreignKeys, when we go for the NoSQL one we don't.

You can get some orientation for both by viewing existing drivers, like the one for mysql, or the one for mongodb. But you also have to determine what features you need to be supported. Check if this is met by the standardized requirements of the API you're currently writing your driver for. Or if you need, or want additional behavior. If the latter is the case, you also need to provide your own documentation. Otherwise the users wont know about what your driver do, also the db-migrate project wont ever accept your driver as an official one if it is not documented.

At least you have to follow one rule: Always provide the complete capability which is defined by the standard API of the Schema you're working on. For example you always need to provide an addColumn method, on the other side there are things you can provide, but you don't have to. For example transactions, if you don't have transactions, you can't implement them, obviously. However, if you can't support a feature defined by this standard API, thats often the case for transactions for example you should outline this in your documentation, so the user is warned about it.

Publishing your driver

Ok, you're finally this far? Great! You did some awesome work and now you want to publish it. But how to do so?

It's as easy as publishing a normal npm module, the only requirment is the name! To make other users to be able to use your driver, first choose a name for your driver. You have one? Ok, now go to npm and check if your driver name was already taken, or if you can use it. Search with the term db-migrate-name. If it is not taken, then name your project in your package.json with your name and the db-migrate- prefix and publish it. And you're done, now users that install your driver by

$ npm install -g db-migrate-awesome

can use it from that point. Your driver would be available from the config with your name without the prefix. So you configure as name awesome, not db-migrate-awesome.


So are we done yet? Well no, we aren't. You have a new driver, but an untested one. It is going to happen, what you've done is not completely free from bugs. So rule number one is, write tests!

So how to test our driver? A good start would be to take a look at existing tests of other drivers. They're bascially much the same and have small differences, like datatypes, return types and so on. Most of the time you should be able to take a copy of an existing test suite and make changes to it to ensure completeness and validity. You're also free to choose the framework which you're going to use when testing your driver, to note offical drivers use vows or lab.

Maintaining your driver

Ok finally we're done with that kind of things. Our driver is now tested, and probably it works like it should. Now we can wait for user feedback and we all know this is the greatest thing about open source. The community reports you bugs you didn't mentoined and also come with ideas, to improve your driver. Step by step your driver becomes more powerful, but keep the next hints in mind.

If a user opens an issue to propagate his idea about a maybe awesome feature, always keep in mind, your driver wont be accepted anymore if you loose the focus. We have a migrator and a seeder, so if the user want a feature think about, where does it fit. Does it even fit or does this have nothing todo with the migrator itself. Sometimes you have to decline feature requests or even pull requests, because they doesn't fit or actually have nothing to do with each other.

You say this sounds weird? Yes it is, but do we want a bloated API that covers everything even if this doesn't belongs to what the original product is described of? Clearly not, following this advices doesn't only help you to make your driver an offical accepted one, it also helps keeping the project structured.