Migrations API - SQL
Below are examples of all the different migrations supported by db-migrate. Please note that not all migrations are supported by all databases. For example, SQLite does not support dropping columns.
createTable(tableName, columnSpec, callback)
Creates a new table with the specified columns.
- tableName - the name of the table to create
- columnSpec - a hash of column definitions
- callback(err) - callback that will be invoked after table creation
// with no table options
exports.up = function (db, callback) {
db.createTable('pets', {
id: { type: 'int', primaryKey: true, autoIncrement: true },
name: 'string' // shorthand notation
}, callback);
// with table options
exports.up = function (db, callback) {
db.createTable('pets', {
columns: {
id: { type: 'int', primaryKey: true, autoIncrement: true },
name: 'string' // shorthand notation
ifNotExists: true
}, callback);
Column Specs
The following options are available on column specs
- type - the column data type. Supported types can be found in db-migrate-shared/data_type.js
- length - the column data length, where supported
- primaryKey - true to set the column as a primary key. Compound primary keys are supported by setting the
option to true on multiple columns - autoIncrement - true to mark the column as auto incrementing
- notNull - true to mark the column as non-nullable, omit it archive database default behavior and false to mark explicitly as nullable
- unique - true to add unique constraint to the column
- defaultValue - set the column default value. To set an expression (eg a function call) as the default value use this syntax:
defaultValue: new String('uuid_generate_v4()')
- foreignKey - set a foreign key to the column
Column ForeignKey Spec Examples
Note: Currently only supported in mysql and pg!
exports.up = function(db, callback) {
//automatic mapping, the mapping key resolves to the column
db.createTable( 'product_variant',
type: 'int',
unsigned: true,
notNull: true,
primaryKey: true,
autoIncrement: true,
length: 10
type: 'int',
unsigned: true,
length: 10,
notNull: true,
foreignKey: {
name: 'product_variant_product_id_fk',
table: 'product',
rules: {
onDelete: 'CASCADE',
onUpdate: 'RESTRICT'
mapping: 'id'
}, callback );
exports.up = function(db, callback) {
//explicit mapping
db.createTable( 'product_variant',
type: 'int',
unsigned: true,
notNull: true,
primaryKey: true,
autoIncrement: true,
length: 10
type: 'int',
unsigned: true,
length: 10,
notNull: true,
foreignKey: {
name: 'product_variant_product_id_fk',
table: 'product',
rules: {
onDelete: 'CASCADE',
onUpdate: 'RESTRICT'
mapping: {
product_id: 'id'
}, callback );
dropTable(tableName, [options,] callback)
Drop a database table
- tableName - name of the table to drop
- options - table options
- callback(err) - callback that will be invoked after dropping the table
Table Options
- ifExists - Only drop the table if it already exists
renameTable(tableName, newTableName, callback)
Rename a database table
- tableName - existing table name
- options - new table name
- callback(err) - callback that will be invoked after renaming the table
addColumn(tableName, columnName, columnSpec, callback)
Add a column to a database table
- tableName - name of table to add a column to
- columnName - name of the column to add
- columnSpec - a hash of column definitions
- callback(err) - callback that will be invoked after adding the column
Column spec is the same as that described in createTable
removeColumn(tableName, columnName, callback)
Remove a column from an existing database table
- tableName - name of table to remove a column from
- columnName - name of the column to remove
- callback(err) - callback that will be invoked after removing the column
renameColumn(tableName, oldColumnName, newColumnName, callback)
Rename a column
- tableName - table containing column to rename
- oldColumnName - existing column name
- newColumnName - new name of the column
- callback(err) - callback that will be invoked after renaming the column
changeColumn(tableName, columnName, columnSpec, callback)
Change the definition of a column
- tableName - table containing column to change
- columnName - existing column name
- columnSpec - a hash containing the column spec
- callback(err) - callback that will be invoked after changing the column
addIndex(tableName, indexName, columns, [unique], callback)
Add an index
- tableName - table to add the index too
- indexName - the name of the index
- columns - an array of column names contained in the index
- unique - whether the index is unique (optional, default false)
- callback(err) - callback that will be invoked after adding the index
Adds a foreign Key
- tableName - table on which the foreign key gets applied
- referencedTableName - table where the referenced key is located
- keyName - name of the foreign key
- fieldMapping - mapping of the foreign key to referenced key
- rules - ondelete, onupdate constraints
- callback(err) - callback that will be invoked after adding the foreign key
exports.up = function (db, callback)
db.addForeignKey('module_user', 'modules', 'module_user_module_id_foreign',
'module_id': 'id'
onDelete: 'CASCADE',
onUpdate: 'RESTRICT'
}, callback);
- tableName - table in which the foreign key should be deleted
- keyName - the name of the foreign key
- options - object of options, see below
- callback - callback that will be invoked once the foreign key was deleted
- dropIndex (default: false) - deletes the index with the same name as the foreign key
//without options object
exports.down = function (db, callback)
db.removeForeignKey('module_user', 'module_user_module_id_foreign', callback);
//with options object
exports.down = function (db, callback)
db.removeForeignKey('module_user', 'module_user_module_id_foreign',
dropIndex: true,
}, callback);
insert(tableName, columnNameArray, valueArray, callback)
Insert an item into a given column
- tableName - table to insert the item into
- columnNameArray - the array existing column names for each item being inserted
- valueArray - the array of values to be inserted into the associated column
- callback(err) - callback that will be invoked once the insert has been completed.
removeIndex([tableName], indexName, callback)
Remove an index
- tableName - name of the table that has the index (Required for mySql)
- indexName - the name of the index
- callback(err) - callback that will be invoked after removing the index
runSql(sql, [params,] callback)
Run arbitrary SQL
- sql - the SQL query string, possibly with ? replacement parameters
- params - zero or more ? replacement parameters
- callback(err) - callback that will be invoked after executing the SQL
all(sql, [params,] callback)
Execute a select statement, even in dry run mode. Attention, only use this if you know what you're doing. This can cause you issues if you're utilizing the dry-run mode for testings. To execute sql queries always use runSql!
- sql - the SQL query string, possibly with ? replacement parameters
- params - zero or more ? replacement parameters
- callback(err, results) - callback that will be invoked after executing the SQL